1. General  
Line or system name
Pipeline owner
Pipeline user (if different from owner)
Address for further info
2. Pipeline Specifications  
Total section length
Outer diameter
Wall thickness
Grade / Type of steel
Type of manufacturing
3. Right-Of-Way conditions  
Are there parallel pipes?
If yes, distance between the pipes
What survey documents are available?
Age of pipeline
Product / Medium
Pipeline route map available?
4. Electrical situation of the pipeline
During the inspection a current of approximately 20 A is passed through the pipeline  
Are there problems expected?
Is there cathodic protection
If yes, is it possible to disconnect?
5. Special considerations for this inspections or other relevant information  
Your Name
Company Name
Email Address

This questionnaire should be completed by the pipeline user and submitted to N.P. Inspection Services GmbH before making the contract. N.P. Inspection Services GmbH reserves the right to withdraw the proposal if the information supplied by the pipeline user is not compatible with the tool suitability.



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Site Design : www.f-five.co.uk